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Track Geometry


A particular specialty is track geometry maintenance and management.
Windana Research have information networks to a wide range of technical track experience in Europe, Asia and Australia. Together with our 35 years experience in the Australian Rail industry, there is considerable depth of experience.





          Some areas of our interest

 High Speed Operation

 Heavy Haul and Heavy Axle Loads

 Vehicle - Track Interaction

 Track Dynamics

 Track Maintenance Operations

 Decision Support Systems

 Life Cycle Costs

 Development and Testing of Track Structures

 Measuring and Recording Systems for
    Track Applications

 Optimization techniques and applications

Training and Reference Publications

 After the success of Modern Railway Track this Second Edition is an extension and complete revision of the original book, in which the developments of the last ten years have been incorporated. The research projects carried out at the Railway Engineering Group of Delft University of Technology have played a central role. The theory of railway track and vehicle track interaction has been substantially enhanced and much more attention has been given to dynamics.
 Undoubtedly one of the most important extensions was the part on slab track structures. But also track management systems have been given much more attention. Numerical optimization and testing, as well as acceptance are new chapters.
 This book is proving a useful contribution to the training and instruction of permanent way engineers. The concept of integrated quality control presented provides managers responsible for track maintenance and renewal with a number of effective cost-saving tools.

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